Case study

Alabama Power Smart Neighborhood: Reynolds Landing

UPDATED: 11/13/2023


Project Name:

  • Alabama Power Smart Neighborhood (Reynolds Landing)

  • Connected Neighborhoods Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)

Project Leader(s): Southern Company and ORNL


  • Research partners: Alabama Power, Southern Company, ORNL, DOE, EPRI

  • Vendor partners: Signature Homes, Carrier, Rheem, Vivint

Stage of Completion: Completed

Construction Type: New construction

Building Type: Single-family homes

Total Number of Units Targeted: 62

Total Number of Units Completed: 62

Tenant Structure: Owner-occupied

Target Audience: Utility, building operator, building occupants

Electrification Project Scope

Full/Partial Electrification: Partial

Existing Heating Fuel Type: N/A

End Uses Electrified: Space heating and cooling, water heating, cooking, clothes drying

Specific electric appliances installed: Variable capacity heat pump, induction range, hybrid heat pump water heater, electric clothes dryer


Total Project Funding: Not able to disclose

Amount or % of Project Cost Covered per unit: Not able to disclose

Source of Funding: Southern Company, DOE-BTO

More information

Motivation for electrification: The development aims to identify how accessing and modulating the flexibility in building loads can enable grid services and improve energy efficiency while ensuring comfort for building occupants. A utility-owned grid-connected microgrid powers buildings inside the neighborhood. Takeaways include understanding how responsive homes can be to energy use variations and pricing. From the utility perspective, the value proposition and focus was on residential electrification, community-scale distributed generation and energy efficiency. Determining the role and impact of distributed energy resources was also part of the scope. 

Additional Measures Implemented: Cloud-based home energy management system, centralized microgrid, triple pane low-e windows, energy recovery ventilator, radiant barrier, insulation, smart home control panel, smart refrigerator

Workforce Development/Green Jobs Component: PhD students mentored and worked on the data for the project as well as university internships

Next steps: Project is completed. Published findings and lessons learned and conducted presentations on the project.

Source: Project description and summary

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