Case study

ComEd Low-Income Whole Home Electrification Program

UPDATED: 10/03/2023


Project Name: ComEd Low-Income Whole Home Electrification Program 

Project Leader(s): ComEd

Partner(s): Elevate, Resource Innovations, Franklin Energy, Chicago Bungalow Association, BlocPower

Stage of Completion: In-progress

Construction Type: Existing Building

Building Type: Majority single-family units, Three mid-size multi-family buildings

Total Number of Units Targeted: As many as can be completed with total project funding

Total Number of Units Completed: 150 (estimated by end of 2023)

Tenant Structure: Mixed (single-family homeowners and tenants in participating multi-family buildings)

Target Audience:

  • Low-income single-family homeowners whose annual income is at or below 80% of AMI 

  • Public Housing Authorities and owners of multi-family buildings (3 units or more) located in an income eligible census tract based on density of population with household incomes at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI)

  • Only homes where energy modeling shows that the measures taken will lead to energy bill savings are eligible to participate

Electrification Project Scope

Full/Partial Electrification: Full electrification for tenants; some multifamily properties may maintain a gas end use (e.g., water heating or common spaces) but the tenants’ bills must be fully electrified. 

Existing Heating Fuel Type: Natural Gas, Propane

End Uses Electrified: Space heating and cooling, water heating, cooking appliances, and clothes dryer

Specific electric appliances installed: Cold-climate air source heat pumps, heat pump water heaters, induction cooking, and electric and heat pump clothes dryers 


Total Project Funding: $40M for the whole program spread out over program years 2022-2025

Amount or % of Project Cost Covered per unit for participants:

  • 100% for single family homes, majority of cost for owners of multi-family buildings

  • Income-eligible multi-family and public housing building owners (not tenants) may have a copay for certain measures.

Source of Funding: ComEd Energy Efficiency Program funding

More information

Motivation for electrification: The goal of the program is to provide low income customers with savings on energy bills, lower energy use, and reduced carbon emissions. 

Additional Measures Implemented: Home energy audit, weatherization for every home, electrical upgrades for nearly every home (100 amp to 200 amp panel), and health and safety improvements (mold remediation, moisture mitigation, roof repair, etc.)

Workforce Development/Green Jobs Component: Elevate and Chicago Bungalow Association utilized the same contractors they have worked with for weatherization programs, this increased trust and community connections. ComEd is assisting with training contractors on heat pump design and engaged manufacturers on availability and training of employees. 

Next Steps: ComEd intends to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) on or around June 20, 2023 to select an Implementation Contractor to manage its Income Eligible Whole Home Electrification offering as part of the ComEd Energy Efficiency Program for years 2024 and 2025. 

Source: ComEd press release, ComEd “Go Electric” website

Links to additional resources:

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