Case study

Georgia Power Smart Neighborhood: Altus at the Quarter

UPDATED: 11/13/2023


Project Name:

  • Georgia Power Smart Neighborhood

  • Connected Neighborhood (ORNL)

Project Leader(s): Southern Company and ORNL


  • Research: US DOE, ORNL, Electric Power Research Institute, Southern Company

  • Vendor: Pulte Homes, LG Chem, Delta, ECOBEE, Skycentrics, Flair

Stage of Completion: ongoing completion is FY 24

Construction Type: New construction

Building Type: Single-family (townhouses)

Total Number of Units Targeted: 46

Total Number of Units Completed: 46

Tenant Structure: Owner-occupied

Target Audience: Mostly about the building and utility operators, and see how homeowners would participate.

Electrification Project Scope

Full/Partial Electrification: Partial (cooking was not electrified)

Existing Heating Type: N/A

End Uses Electrified: Water heating, space heating

Specific electric appliances installed: High-efficiency air-source variable-speed heat pump, hybrid heat pump water heaters


Total Project Funding: Not able to disclose

Amount or % of Project Cost Covered per unit: Not able to disclose

Source of Funding: Not able to disclose

More information

Motivation for electrification: The purpose of the development is to identify the impact of integrated PV and energy storage systems in residential buildings and co-optimizing them along with other building loads to provide grid services. The goal is to coordinate the local generation and storage with end use loads to minimize energy use and maximize value for homeowners and the grid. Additional goals included minimizing energy use and discomfort, maximizing utilization of renewable generation and exploring resiliency during outages.

Additional Measures Implemented: Rooftop solar, inverter, batteries, EV chargers, smart thermostats, energy-efficient appliances, smart water heaters

Workforce Development/Green Jobs Component: Students and interns worked on the project and various universities were involved with students mentored throughout the duration.

Next steps: Optimization still running, evaluation report will be released in September 2024.


Links to additional sources:

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