Case study

Efficiency Maine Whole-Home Heat Pump Solutions for Manufactured Homes Pilot

UPDATED: 12/13/2023


Project Name: Whole-home Heat Pump Solutions for Manufactured Homes Pilot

Project Leader(s): Efficiency Maine 

Partner(s): N/A

Stage of Completion: In-progress

Construction Type: Existing buildings 

Building Type: Manufactured homes (single-wide mobile homes) 

Total Number of Units Targeted: 130-175 units

Total Number of Units Completed: 32

Tenant Structure: Owner-occupied principal residence

Target Audience:

  • Home must be on the designated town list 

  • Homeowner must be a recipient of MaineCare, HEAP, SNAP, or TANF, or qualify based on Adjusted Gross Income

  • Home must be presently heated entirely by oil, kerosene, propane, and/or electric resistance heating (must not have an existing heat pump system in home) 

  • Owner must agree to remove existing fossil fuel heating

Electrification Project Scope

Full/Partial Electrification: Partial

Existing Heating Fuel Type: Oil, kerosene, propane, and/or electric resistance heating

End Uses Electrified: Space heating and cooling

Specific electric appliances installed: Cold climate air source heat pump 


Total Project Funding: $2M July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024 

Amount or % of Project Cost Covered per unit:

  • The cost to participants for the whole home heat pump is $2,000. Pilot participants will be provided with leases to afford the remaining cost of the project. Participants will lease the equipment either with: 

  • One up-front payment of $2,000

  • Or, 50 monthly payments of $50 

  • Payments start six months after the installation

  • After the payment obligations are completed, the participant will be able to purchase the equipment for $1

Source of Funding: Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)

More information

Motivation for electrification: The goal of this project is to explore the use of whole-home heat pump systems as replacements for fossil fuel-fired furnaces. The program aims to make manufactured homes healthier and safer. Additionally, through the program, project leaders aim to increase home energy efficiency and reduce the energy burden for low-income participants. 

Additional Measures Implemented: ​​Efficiency Maine guarantees a full warranty for the working operation of the heat pump during the lease period. 

Workforce Development/Green Jobs Component: N/A

Next steps: Interested in expanding the program into other climate zones, particularly in northern Maine. Also interested in expanding from single-wide to double-wide manufactured homes. 


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