Case study

PG&E Zonal Electrification at CSU Monterey Bay

UPDATED: 12/12/2023


Project Name: PG&E Zonal Electrification at CSU Monterey Bay

Project Leader(s): PG&E

Partner(s): CSU Monterey Bay

Stage of Completion: In-progress

Construction Type: Existing buildings

Building Type: Low-rise residential (about 1970-1990, typical garden-style multi-family)

Total Number of Units Targeted: 600

Total Number of Units Completed: 0

Tenant Structure: Renter-occupied

Target Audience: Student, staff, and faculty housing in East Campus (electrifying the entire neighborhood)

Electrification Project Scope

Full/Partial Electrification: Full

Existing Heating Fuel Type: Natural gas

End Uses Electrified: Space heating, water heating, cooking, laundry

Specific electric appliances installed: Air source heat pump, electric induction stove, heat pump water heater, electric clothes dryer


Total Project Funding:

  • If CPUC favors the electrification project, $17.2M in funding from ratepayers will support it. This funding from ratepayers would be fully offset by the avoided cost of repairing the gas pipeline.

  • The total cost to PG&E is $17.2M

Amount or % of Project Cost Covered per unit: 100%; PG&E would fund the replacement of all gas appliances in the affected units

Source of Funding: PG&E filed an application requesting the California Public Utilities Commission’s permission to use the gas pipeline repair funds for electrification instead.

More information

Motivation for electrification: The motivation for this project is that PG&E identified that the East Campus Housing gas infrastructure was in need of complete replacement. Rather than replace the natural gas pipeline, PG&E saw an opportunity to use the same funds for natural gas pipeline replacement to retire the pipeline and electrify the neighborhood instead. The project would reduce more than 5 million pounds of emissions and help CSU Monterey Bay move towards achieving carbon neutrality.

Additional Measures Implemented: Ancillary measures associated with electrification scope, such as wiring and hazardous material remediation

Workforce Development/Green Jobs Component: Will require prevailing wage due to CSU Monterey Bay being the project sponsor, but the full extent of workforce requirements is subject to CPUC decision.

Next steps: As of Fall 2023, PG&E was still waiting for a final decision from CPUC.


Links to additional sources:

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