Case study

Seattle Office of Housing’s Multi-family Affordable Housing Decarbonization Innovation Project

UPDATED: 12/20/2023


Project Name: Multi-family Affordable Housing Decarbonization Innovation Project

Project Leader(s): Seattle Office of Housing

Partner(s): Seattle Office of Sustainability and the Environment, Seattle City Light

Stage of Completion: In-progress (started in 2023)

Construction Type: Existing buildings

Building Type: Multi-family affordable housing properties

Total Number of Units Targeted:

  • 3-5 properties (buildings)

  • # of units per building varies (will include a range)

Total Number of Units Completed: Unknown (dependent on building identification) 

Tenant Structure: Renter-occupied  

Target Audience:

  • Affordable housing properties serving low-income tenants for 50 or more years

  • Tenants that leverage the City of Seattle’s Utility Discount Program

  • BIPOC households

Electrification Project Scope

Full/Partial Electrification: Full (intent of the project)

Existing Heating Fuel Type: Natural gas, heating oil 

End Uses Electrified: Space heating, cooking, water heating, clothes drying

Specific electric appliances installed: Air source heat pump, induction stove, heat pump water heater


Total Project Funding:

  • $1.8M from DOE E&I Funds

  • $1.5 towards project implementation

Amount or % of Project Cost Covered per unit: 100%

Source of Funding:

  • DOE E&I funds ($1.8M)

  • Potential additional funding from State and federal weatherization funding

More information

Motivation for electrification: The main focus is to provide affordable housing residents with decarbonization, health and safety improvements, and traditional weatherization improvements. The project was founded to reduce vulnerable populations’ energy burdens and advance inclusive approaches to residential building decarbonization. Additionally, the goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

Additional Measures Implemented: Unknown - to be determined based on project scope.

Workforce Development/Green Jobs Component:

  • As a general federal requirement, there is a prevailing wage requirement. 

  • There may also be women, minority, business, enterprise (WIMBE) hiring requirements.

Next steps:

  • Identifying the 3-5 projects they will work on by the beginning of the new year  that will be targeted for this program.

  • Will not start implementation until mid-2024.

Source: Holistic decarbonization, energy burden reduction, energy efficiency & health improvements in multi-family affordable housing proposal Seattle Office of Housing

Links to additional resources: Utility Discount Program - Seattle

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