2023’s Electrospective
Everybody loves a good end-of-year highlights list! In the Land of Electrification, 2022 was the year of the big bills in Washington, and heat pump sales topping gas and oil for the first time in history. What sparked in 2023? We’ve got a lightning round of hits, from electric tipping points to…adorable team members dressed to grill.
It’ll take all of us to Rewire America. And it’s your support and partnership that will make electrification accessible for everyone. Help charge up our work with a donation today. Yes, I’ll heat pump you up!
Number 10

You know they accelerate insanely fast, but U.S. electric vehicles have now zipped past a major milestone: 1 million battery-electric vehicles sold in a single year. They were already at 9 percent of U.S. auto sales, so they’ve blown past the tipping point for new production adoption, where things become a thing.
Number 9

Yes, it was the hottest year on record, buuuuut U.S. sales of clean, efficient, climate-friendly heat pumps were also pretty hot — on track to outpace sales of gas and oil furnaces AGAIN this year, only the second time in history.
Number 8

Here at Rewiring America, we had some pretty serious heavy hitters join the movement to electrify everything: political leader and bestselling author Stacey Abrams, Ilyse Hogue, the former president of NARAL Pro Choice America, and former DOE official Aimee Witteman, who just came off a successful effort to raise $180 million to help ensure the clean energy transition includes everyone. Oh — and, we are teaming up with the nation’s leading affordable housing organizations to create affordable lending to help people electrify.
Number 7

In a new poll, three out of five Americans say they want to live in homes with all or mostly electric appliances. Realtors and architects are taking note, and meeting that demand. "When buyers are given a choice, we're seeing them gravitate towards electric homes, electric heating, electric cooling, and electric cooking," said architect Shawn Buehler.
Number 6

In the above poll, a lot of people still want a gas stove — because hey, decades of marketing that blue flame are hard to overcome. But, coming in at Number 6 on our top 10: The truth is on our side, and TV influencers agree that electric is the better way: cleaner, safer, healthier, and quicker.
Number 5

Heat pumps and induction stoves took to the streets of New York City for the first time during Climate Week in the March to End Fossil Fuels. Why do we dress up? A. Because it’s fun. And B. Because most people don’t know what a heat pump looks like and costumes are a great educational tool.
Number 4

The U.S. Climate Alliance, a bipartisan coalition of 25 governors representing approximately 60 percent of the U.S. economy and 55 percent of the U.S. population, agreed to collectively reach 20 million heat pump installations by 2030, with the aim of ensuring at least 40 percent of benefits flow to disadvantaged communities.
Number 3

That’s great news because, at Number 3, we launched the Pace of Progress — the benchmark for U.S. electrification. And wowzers, we need to sell and install 24M more electrified appliances, cars, and solar arrays over current baseline in the next three years. But with help from those states, and you — it’s doable!
Number 2

Bill McKibben helped us launch a Heat Pumps for Peace campaign last year – and last month, the President announced $169 million in grants to help build more heat pumps right here in America. Our posters are coming to a Zoom background near you very soon.
Number 1

And speaking of that, the most thrilling electrification event of the year: Blake in Portland, Oregon installed the heat pump he’s been waiting for. Great going, Blake! Just in time for the holidays.Happy end of 2023.
Want to keep the electromentum going? Support our work. Your donation helps bring us closer to meeting the Pace of Progress, electrifying at the speed the climate crisis demands. Help us electrify everything for everyone. Yes, charge it!