The biggest holiday of the year

Today is National Heat Pump Water Heater Day!
We know the subject line was a dead giveaway because of course the biggest holiday of the year is National Heat Pump Water Heater Day! Say that 3 to 4 times fast to celebrate because these babies are 3 to 4 times more efficient than traditional water heaters.
Water heaters are the somewhat unsung heroes of the home appliance family. You might not give this appliance much thought until it breaks. With hot showers on the line, though, you'll be forced into emergency mode and rush to get a replacement. Not the smartest appliance-buying strategy (in the same camp as shopping for groceries when you’re hangry).
So today, on this most highly-anticipated day, we invite you to celebrate the heat pump water heater (nickname: HPWH).
To show our appreciation, we penned our own thank you note to this all-star electric appliance.
Thanks for all you do in homes across America. Our appreciation is as steady as the supply of hot water you readily provide in all climates.
You never cease to amaze us with your ability to pull enough heat out of 40-degree air to make the shower scaldingly hot. You’re an all-season, all-climate appliance, just like your boxy cousin, the heat pump HVAC system.
You’re a true team player with the ability to connect to smart panels, shifting electricity to different equipment in the home based on peak usage. After all, there’s no “i” in “heat pump water heater.”
Thank you for showing us that a water heater and home relationship doesn’t have to be toxic. By running on electricity, you can help the average home cut half a ton of CO2 per year. We’ll never go back to being gaslit by a gas furnace.
You may have a higher upfront cost, but you make up for it with long-term energy bill savings and a 30% (up to $2,000) tax credit available now through the Inflation Reduction Act.
Now let’s eat the cake that we obviously ordered especially for this occasion while visions of HPWHs dance in our heads.
Cheers to you, HPWH.
Love, Team Rewiring America
Sigh…only 365 more sleeps until the next one…

🎁 Heat pump water heater gift guide 🎁 Wondering what to get that special someone for this year’s Heat Pump Water Heater Day? May we suggest… a heat pump water heater? Check out this guide for some sizzling recommendations.