Watch the page closely and you’ll see the counter going up, showing that the number of efficient electric machines in use increases all the time. The rate of change is based on our 2025 forecast.
Count it like it’s hot...and cold.
Every hour of every day, about five hundred new efficient electric machines* — from heat pumps to electric vehicles to solar panels — are installed or put into use by U.S. households. Many of these machines replace inefficient and polluting old fossil fuel equipment, bringing a host of benefits to households all around the country.

Heat Pump

Heat Pump
Water Heater



*Based on the projected increase in households using each of these machines from 2024 - 2025.
Behind the counters
Efficient electric machines — from the appliances we use in our homes, to electric vehicles and solar panels — offer a range of benefits to American households. They make us more comfortable in our homes, they save us money, they create jobs, and they make us healthier. We know this is true, but are American households taking advantage of these benefits? Data can help provide an answer. We crunched the numbers for each type of machine — heat pumps for heating and cooling, heat pump water heaters, electric vehicles, rooftop solar, and electric cooking ranges — using market data from places like the Department of Transportation, the Energy Information Administration, and data providers like Grandview Research and Ohm Analytics.
The result? American households are winning, because they are purchasing more and more of these machines, saving money, and making lives better. Over time, we’ll update our estimates as new data comes in, track actuals against projections, and dig into how the numbers are changing.
Our projections are based on estimates of the current number of efficient electric machines in use by households as of the end of 2024 and the forecasted increase in 2025. The data sources and assumptions used for our stock estimates and sales projections are detailed in our methodology here.
In the coming weeks and months, we’ll begin sharing our lookback analysis with more details and comparisons. Check back here.
For media inquiries: media@rewiringamerica.org
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