Electric Word of the Day: Methane gas

The journey to electrifying everything is full of new info. We’re here to break it down for you.

What the heck is methane, anyway?

Welcome to Rewiring Americas Electric Word of the Day series, where we walk you through the terms you'll hear the most during your go-electric journey.

Todays term is: Methane gas.

If youve used a gas stove, youve already been around methane gas — its most of the gas inside those blue flames coming out of the burners, and also goes by the name natural gas.

But did you know:

  • Methane is a heat-trapping gas 80 times more powerful at warming the planet than carbon dioxide.

  • Methane gas has a pesky way of escaping gas stoves — even when theyre off. One study found that two-thirds of the methane gas emitted by gas stoves happens when youre not even using the stove.

When youre ready to replace your worn-out gas stove, clothes dryer, or water heater, give methane gas a pass. Go electric!

Want to learn more electrifying vocab? Sign up for our Why Electrify course here!

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